EWI Meetings

Monthly dinner meetings are generally held on the second Thursday of each month. However, any meeting may be rescheduled at the discretion of the Board. There are several different types of EWI meetings and they may differ within a given Chapter. Richmond Chapter meetings are as follows:

  • Regular program meetings
  • Firm nights
  • Business meetings
  • Ways & Means fundraisers
  • Firm Recognition Night
  • Officer Installation

Regular Program Meetings

The Program Committee is responsible for selecting the meeting site and planning the activities for those evenings. The format varies, but there is usually a speaker who may select any number of subjects (e.g., motivational, educational, inspirational, etc.).

Firm Nights

Firm Nights are held during any Program meeting month and spotlights one of our member firms. The Richmond Chapter generally holds two to three Firm Nights each year.

The Program Committee assists the Host Firm in planning the evening. The EWI Firm has the prerogative of selecting the meeting site (which could take place at the Firm’s place of business), the menu, the entertainment and the program. Firm Nights are one of the most effective ways for a Member Firm to “tell its story” to other EWI Representatives and Executives. Firm Nights are always special; each one is different, and all are enjoyable.

Business Meetings

Business meetings are generally held in August and October. It is important that all representatives attend these meetings as this is when matters requiring a vote are considered. While guests are welcome, they should be advised that business will be discussed. Business meetings can also be called at any time by the President.

Ways and Means Fundraisers

These events are the responsibility of the Ways and Means Committee and can be held during any month as agreed by the Board. The Committee selects the site, menu, and the fundraising activity which has ranged from a dinner, dance and silent auction, to theatre night at Civic Theatre, to a Murder Mystery. The activity raises funds for the scholarship and philanthropy activities of the organization and members are encouraged to invite co-workers and friends.

Firm Recognition Night

This is a night when we honor our executives and our firms. The Program Committee is responsible for selecting a special speaker or deciding on a very special event for this evening. We usually have a more elaborate evening for our special guests, and the cost of the dinner may be slightly higher for this event. Executives are invited by printed invitation and are encouraged to attend. A mini-trade fair is also generally held during the social hour of the evening and gives member firms an opportunity to showcase their firm.


Installation of Officers and Directors is held in October. The incoming President is given charge of this meeting, working with the outgoing Program Director to choose the site, menu, etc. The program consists of installation of the Board. The newly-installed President makes an acceptance speech and highlights the goals for the upcoming year.